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Role model day at Worser bay School


Hello its me Kimi the Wintern. Just thought i’d update the blog with what i’ve been up to. Last week on tuesday I went to Worser bay School for role model day to help out my uncle. Little to my surprise my Uncle had passed on our bio plastic website and some of the kids had tried some of our recipes aswell as choosen bio plastics as there inquiry for school. To give you an overview of what I did on the day was I explained to the children what University is about, what industrial design is and what bio plastics are. Within that I got talking about susutainability and the enviroment. The kids took all of this information in and even reached out to me the next day wondering if they could come to the fab lab Wgtn in the next month to look around. So heres hoping all goes well and we get some more budding bio plastic makers in to the lab and out to the world!