Team Wavy Project: Orbit Lamp

Concept Progress

Image * Concept behind adaptions of Reuben Margolin’s Round wave.

###Aim to create a dynamic and modifyable ripple effect Image * this idea uses stoppers hitting a base level to provide a minimum height * the rotation bar disengages from the rods when lowered. * -Effect would be juttery when half engaged, with full range of movement rising into the kenitic movement instead of gradual change.

Image * Raises all bars to disengage the rotation bar. * -This is not the desired effe3ct as more light would escape while it is disengaged.

Image * Uses leverage to change the ratio of movement between the two sections of the arms. * +would achieve the desired effect * -would require three joints per arm, each ripple having two arms, a minimum of 18 joints. * -would require a tall base to include full leghth required to use mechanic

Image * a more in depth look in to how the mechanics would work in previous idea.

Image * two ways of acheiveing the same effect.

Image * Enclosure as proposed by Elliot * Visually interesting. * -May have limitations in prodution acheiving width as well as the curve

Image * same principal, using 3D# printed sections in clear arcrilic * idea is to defuse the light on the body but pollish cicular secions to allow for directional light to pass trough creating more interesting silloettes. * issues may arise when trying to polish or rough up surfeces

Image * Differnt shapes using the same principal of blocking out sections of light * needs mechanics reimmagined to provide funtionality

Image * Incorpirating the artist role models aethetic of holloweed out sections into the panels. * +visually interesting and as panels overlap it would create very interesting effects.

Image * a seccond layer of the original work to create moving silloettes on the walls. * +visually interesting * +well documented and easy to replicate

Image * experimenting with differnt shapes to block out the light * +with the implamentation of material to create visual disrotions we are incorpriating another aspect of team Wave into the project.

Image * floowing through with the idea of material in the project this concept uses the mechanics of Reuben Margolin’s Round wave * +mechanic would work * +Has a lot of room for devalopment * -A lot of work for the project breif

Image * Over lapping opaic waves aimed in creating a oceanainic imagery on the walls. * +Has a clearly adetifyable audiance of parents

Image * a more indepth look into the mechanics of the wave form silloete

Image * a look into the mechanics which would enable uneven and controlable lift to each of the shell sigments. * -If the outer edge of the shape is curved each of the shell sigments will lift in the exact same way leaving a big gap on the curve close to the rotating axis * When talking to a mechanic he suggested the way around this would be to have a stepper curve on the axal like a gear box however there would be issues in attaching the sigments as well as having steps without making gaps between sections of the shell sigments